EZWinPorts on Windows

The EZWinPorts project provides many useful ports of recent versions of GNU and Unix software. This includes all the optional libraries used by Emacs (image libraries, libxml2, GnuTLS), RCS, Texinfo, a clone of man command, Grep, xz, bzip2, bsdtar, ID Utils, Findutils, Hunspell, Gawk, GNU Make, Groff, GDB.

Below is a how-to if you want to configure all-in-one EZWinPorts on your Windows machine. Now here we go.

  1. Download the text file which contains all the download link of the EZWinPorts sub-modules.

  2. Download all the sub-modules using wget according to the text file we just fetched.
    wget -c --content-disposition --trust-server-names -i ezwinports.txt
  3. Unzip all the zip files accordingly. Here I use 7z on Windows. If you use it within cygwin, you’d better pay attention to the permission issues.
    for %i in (*.zip) do 7z x %i -od://gnu -aoa
  4. Add the bin folder to you System PATH.